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WorkCover Agents and Self-Insurers

WorkCover Agents and Self-Insurers

What are WorkSafe and WorkCover Agents?

Agents are appointed by WorkSafe as the frontline service delivery arm of the WorkCover scheme and are required to contribute to and share responsibility for, achieving the business objectives of the scheme. They manage employers' WorkCover insurance and injured workers' compensation claims.

Agents therefore have a vital role to play in achieving the key goals of WorkSafe and directly contribute to the scheme's success or failure.


The functions of Agents are to:

  • register and maintain employer insurance policies
  • collect premiums
  • manage claims in accordance with WorkCover legislation, the Agency Agreement and policies, procedures and standards set by WorkSafe
  • provide claims and risk management services to employers.

They help and support managing premiums or working through a claim. They also provide advice to help injured workers return to work.

The WorkCover Agents currently are employed DXC, Gallagher Bassett, EML and Allianz.


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Last updated August 2024.

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