Other Resources
Other Resources
Mental Wellbeing Support:
- Lifeline Australia - ph. 13 11 14 - Crisis support and suicide hotline.
- Head to Health - ph. 1800 595 212 - Free advice and support from an experienced mental health professional.
- Beyond Blue - ph. 1300 22 46 36 - Mental health support.
- Mindspot - Support finding psychiatric and psychological care.
- Suicide Call Back Service - ph. 1300 659 467 - Mental health support and referral line.
- Tandem Support and Referral Line - ph. 1800 314 325 - Support service for loved ones and carers supporting someone with mental health issues.
Financial Counselling and Advice:
- Financial Counselling Australia - ph. 1800 007 007 - Access free resources and advice from a private financial counsellor.
- National Debt Helpline - Information and advice as well as a helpline to call.
Books on workers' compensation in Australia:
- Australia's Injury Injustice by J.M. Middleton
- Flying Monkeys: A bullied worker, a broken legal system, and one brave mum’s exceptional fight against corruption by Lori O'Keefe
Links to other injured worker-related resources.
- WorkSafe Claims Manual
- Read about workers' compensation stigma (Safe Work Australia).
- Read about returning to work (Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission).
The information on this website produced and distributed by the IWSN is of a general nature. We do our best to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, but cannot take any responsibility for any loss arising out of its use. You should not rely on it applying in your own circumstances and should always take further advice from those with appropriate qualifications.
Last updated December 2024.