WorkCover Claim Record Template
WorkCover Claim Record Template
As an injured worker, it is important that you keep a detailed record of your WorkCover claim. This is because a detailed record makes it less likely that your claim will be contested and more likely that you will get the support you need. During this journey, you will be asked to recount details of your injury, surgeries, and other aspects of your experience. This often leads to injured workers feeling nervous, overwhelmed, and anxious. This can result in memory loss and forgetting vital parts of your claim.
Use this document to record details of your WorkCover Claim and bring it to all your appointments and assessments to keep it updated. This is a valuable tool that can help you remember important details, ease anxiety, and assist in providing answers with confidence.
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The information on this website produced and distributed by the IWSN is of a general nature. We do our best to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, but cannot take any responsibility for any loss arising out of its use. You should not rely on it applying in your own circumstances and should always take further advice from those with appropriate qualifications.
Last updated August 2024.