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Independent Review of the Victorian Workers' Compensation System

Independent Review of the Victorian Workers' Compensation System

In 2016, the Ombudsman investigated WorkSafe and its agents' handling of complex claims, which involve workers unable to work long-term or requiring extended medical treatment. Although these claims are not the majority, they often involve complex health conditions and represent a significant, disproportionate cost to the scheme and society. 


In 2019, there was a follow-up investigation, 'WorkSafe2: Follow-up investigation into the management of complex workers compensation claims'. The Victorian Trades Hall Council and the Injured Workers Support Network made submissions to the investigation. The Victorian Ombudsman's report revealed that injured workers were unfairly treated and denied their entitlements, highlighting systemic issues in the management of complex workers' compensation claims. 


In response, the Victorian Government commissioned Peter Rozen QC to review the claims management system. Rozen's report, Improving the experience of injured workers, offered 22 recommendations. The government has accepted five of these recommendations, accepted fourteen in principle, requires further consideration for two, and noted one recommendation. The IWSN created a briefing that you can view to get a summary of the report and understand the recommendations.


You can view both the IWSN briefing and the review report below:

IWSN Rozen Review Briefing

Rozen Review Report


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Last updated January 2025.

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