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Injured Workers Day

Injured Workers Day

Injured Workers Day is on June 1st. 

Injured Workers Day 2023 attendees holding up pledges to support injured workers.


Developed in early 2020 by Australian injured workers with the support of trade unions and other organisations, we want to create a platform for visibility and solidarity for all injured workers. We are seeking changes to workplace legislation, and want to secure political commitments for change.  We are aiming to create recognition for families, spouses and children of injured workers, who in many instances become primary care givers and share in the associated psychological trauma, which can be further exacerbated by financial hardship that results from long term incapacity. 

With this in mind, we hope to identify and clarify the specific issues affecting injured workers and develop recommendations, which will inform collaborative, trauma-informed processes to humanise and create more effective WorkSafe and WorkCover provisions and structures for injured workers in the future. 

Every year, the IWSN hosts an event so injured workers and those caring for or supporting injured workers can come together and acknowledge the struggles and experiences of navigating the workers' compensation system. 

Have your say in the next Injured Workers Day event by joining one of our campaign meetings

A banner for Injured Workers Day 2024 displayed on the front of the Victorian Trades Council.

Injured Workers Support Network member, Graeme, giving a presentation at Injured Workers Day 2023.


The information on this website produced and distributed by the IWSN is of a general nature. We do our best to ensure the information is accurate and up to date, but cannot take any responsibility for any loss arising out of its use. You should not rely on it applying in your own circumstances and should always take further advice from those with appropriate qualifications.


Last updated January 2025.

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