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The guiding principles of the Injured Worker Support Network Victoria are: 



There is zero tolerance to violent or demeaning behaviour in respect to race, age, gender, sexual orientation, disability or political preference, of anyone involved in Injured Workers Support Network Victoria. 

We respect the right to expel anyone from the Injured Workers Support Network Victoria associated with such behaviour. 

Guest speakers or volunteers engaged in an IWSNVIC meeting will be shown with the same respect as a member of the network. 



The Injured Workers Support Network is fundamentally a group to provide support to other injured workers. 

We encourage input by all members regarding their experience with WorkCover, to provide feedback and information to the Network, or provide encouragement to fellow members. 

We expect every member of the Network to act without judgment of any member, guest, or volunteer associated with the network. 

The meetings must be a space that allows members to feel comfortable to share their personal, and often traumatic, experiences. 

Provide others with the same support and respect you would like to receive. 



The Injured Workers Support Network is a safe space for injured workers to share their experiences and provide support for each other. We expect all members to maintain the privacy of other members of the group so people feel free to share their stories. 

There is an expectation that people keep discussions confidential unless all parties agree to speak outside the meeting about the topics discussed. 

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